Thursday, August 20, 2009


Contest everyone! I'm making a contest! Information:

OK, here's what YOU are going to do!

Make a cool igloo that looks like a school you go to!

Must have: Book shelves, desks, cafe`, and other school activities and/or furniture.

Make sure YOU look like a teacher that teaches at your new school.

Comment with your name, or say you entered in my contest on the chat box.


(Winner(s) will get a picture of their igloo and star in a video with me. 'Dane ice1 TV. Home videos! On CP lol

~Dane ice1~

1 comment:

  1. I am a nonmember so I can't make a cool igloo. :( I hope I can at least some of the cool ones. Is yours a school room or is the contest all over.

